Should you build your site with wordpress is the big question that many first time or even experienced adult webmasters are asking about their new projects. There are several considerations, administration, seo and cost.In this post we will be comparing WordPress to the other popular alternative, Joomla.
Starting with administration, wordpress is hands down the easiest content management system available. You cannot find a simpler more user friendly interface to continually update and modify your webpages. This will generally make it easier for you to login, manipulate your content and add / remove sections as needed. Joomla has a slightly more complex and less user friendly interafce that can sometimes be harder for non-technical users to get their heads around. There is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor that allows you to type in the all important text based content that helps to rank your site. You can add links, photos, video to your template using a Microsoft Word style text editor. Joomla also includes a WYSIWYG editor with more ability to manipulate individual settings when uploading images for example. WordPress is more of a plug and play solution while more advanced technical users sometimes enjoy the multiple settings offered by most Joomla actions. The plugin community has been around for Joomla longer than WordPress so is a bit more robust, with more options and out of the box functionality acessible directly through the Joomla drop down menus. That said, WordPress offeres more than the average adult webmaster will need and for most users it represents an ideal solution for a CMS.

For SEO, wordpress is very easy to customize. We recommend installing the “All in one SEO Pack , which is the best SEO one that we have worked with. Some SEO friendly features that we really like about wordpress include:
- The ability to completely control URL strings. This is an important way for you to tell the search engines information about your pages.
- The ability to completely control title tags and meta tags and overwrite naming conventions you have set on select individual pages.
- The ability to have non-duplicate tags when installing out of the box.
- The ability to control sitewide naming conventions with variables, so that every page title can read keyword | sitename for example.
The third consideration is cost. When you factor in the cost of a web designer performing continual updates and installing specialized scripts to write SEO naming conventions it is usually easier to build your site on a CMS like WordPress. Designers will charge more for the initial build of the site, but you are paying up front for the ability to make changes in the future that can save you a ton down the road. Specialized wordpress web designers will usually have templates that they work with that can simplify and reduce cost in the development process.